こちらから。 |
<関連サイト> |
級 |
学習内容 |
準備級 |
ローマ字の練習 |
1級 |
<This〔That〕is+所有格+名詞>⇒This is my book./疑問文⇒Is this
your pen? Yes, it is. No, it is not. |
2級 |
is an egg.
疑問文⇒Is that a school? Yes,it is. No,it is not./否定文⇒This is not
a ruler. |
3級 |
~. I am ~. You are ~.
疑問文⇒Are you Nancy? Yes,I am. No,I am not./否定文⇒He〔she〕is not
~. I am not ~. You are not ~. |
4級 |
疑問詞(what,who,whose)を使った疑問文/⇒What is this〔That〕? It is a
⇒Who is this? It is Tom. He is my brother./⇒Whose hat is this〔That〕?
It is Ken's hat. |
5級 |
形容詞の働き(theの用法も含む)/<a〔an〕+形容詞+名詞>⇒Tom is
a kind boy.(疑問文,否定文)
<主語+be動詞+形容詞>⇒Tom is kind.(疑問文,否定文)/指示形容詞⇒This〔That〕stamp
is old.(疑問文,否定文) |
6級 |
<主語(1,2人称単数)+一般動詞>⇒I〔You〕like tennis./疑問文⇒Do
you have a bog? Yes,I do. No,I do not.
否定文⇒I〔You〕do not play baseball./接続詞(and,but,on)⇒Do you like
A or B? など |
7級 |
<主語(3人称単数)+一般動詞>⇒He〔she〕speaks English./3人称単数現在形⇒likes,watches,studies,has
疑問文⇒Dose he play ~? Yes,he does. No,he does not./否定文⇒She does
not have a guitar. |
8級 |
目的語としての名詞の複数形⇒I have many phone cards./someとany肯定文⇒I
have some stamps.
疑問文⇒Do you have any~?/否定文⇒I do not have any~./<How many+複数名詞>⇒How
many hats do you have? |
9級 |
主語としての<指示形容詞(+名詞)>の複数形/⇒These coins are old.
Those are albums.
疑問文⇒Are these~? Yes,they are. No,they aren't./代名詞(主格)の複数形⇒We〔You,They〕are
students. |
10級 |
代名詞(目的格)⇒Tom helps me.など/代名詞(所有格)の複数形⇒Mr.Sato
is our teacher.
所有代名詞⇒This book is mine. Those bats are yours./Whose bag is this?
Which hat is yours? の疑問文と答え方 |
11級 |
「時」の表し方⇒Is it two o'clock now? What time is it?/What time do you
get up? When do you play ~?
「時」の表す<前置詞+名詞>句⇒at eight, after dinnerなど/「年齢」の表し方⇒How
old are you? I am ten(years old). |
12級 |
動詞の原形を使う(命令文)⇒Close the window./Please ~〔~,please〕.
Don't ~. Let's ~.
動詞の原形を使う文(can ~)⇒I can swim./疑問文⇒Can you swim? Yes,I
can. No,I can't./否定文⇒I can't skate. |
13級 |
現在進行形⇒He is running./疑問文⇒Are they ~ing? Yes,they are. No,they
否定文⇒We aren't playing ~./疑問詞を使った現在進行形⇒What are you doing?
と答え方 |
14級 |
am in Tokyo. Where is my hat? と答え方
存在を表す<There is〔are〕~.>⇒There is a book on the desk./疑問文⇒Are
there ~? と答え方 否定文⇒There aren't ~. |
15級 |
副詞(句)を使った応用文型/文末にくるevery day, very much〔well,slowly〕など
など |
16級 |
形容詞(句)を使った応用文型/some〔any〕,many〔much〕,a little など
名詞の形容詞的用法⇒a good tennis player など/come and visit ~,not A
or B,Here is〔are〕~. など |
17級 |
前置詞(句)を使った応用文型/「時」を表す前置詞⇒at seven, after school
「場所」を表す前置詞⇒at school, in my bag, near the park,/from ~ to,
come from など |
18級 |
前置詞(句)を使った応用文型/「手段」を表す前置詞⇒by bus, in English,
on TV など
その他の意味を表す前置詞⇒of my family, for lunch,/with May, about tennis,
in ten minutes など |
19級 |
be動詞を使ったWh疑問文の応用文型/<代名詞>⇒What〔Which,Who〕is ~?
Whose(hat)is ~?
<副詞>⇒Where〔When〕is ~?/<連語的>⇒How old〔tall〕is ~?
How many pens are ~? |
20級 |
一般動詞を使ったWh疑問文の応用文型/<代名詞>⇒Which〔What〕do you
<副詞>⇒Where〔When,How〕do you ~?/<形容詞的>⇒What sports〔Which
book〕do you ~? |